MAY 1 = OLIVIA's Birthday! 🥳 🎉 🎂 Happy 11th birthday Olivia. We kicked off the INSANELY busy month with just our family getting her an Oreo cake, singing happy birthday and letting her open her present (a massage gun). She loved it. She asked to celebrate with her friends after our pool gets opened for the season. So you won't read more about that until June! Grandma and pa Dentinger got her a mesh swim bag, new earphones and a bento box she wanted. Maw and Paw gave her a red panda stuffy, a bracelet making kit and a Chinese yo-yo. Poppy and Grandma Julie got her a USA swim suit she has been wanting since Christmas and a new swim cap. I'd say she got everything she needed.

Cedar Point opening day had a countdown in Isaac's room for 10 days before. He couldn't wait and begged Jeremy to take him while the girls traveled to OSU swim camp. They got to see the new Boardwalk (new for 2023) and visited his brick on the midway. Said he got to ride like 20 rides with his all-season fast pass....including several times on his favorite ride in the park STEEL VENGEANCE.
Other major activity this month was the kids BYAA track meets. We had a away meet on a Sunday at Patrick Henry, one away at Columbus Grove, one away at Spencerville, and three home meets, including the championship meet when we were on the cruise June 1.. Olivia didn't initially sign up for track but because of our schedules, had to come to all the practices. Eventually she gave up and asked to join late. They let her and she ended up running the 800/mile/and did the hurdles this season. I helped coach the hurdlers, so it was fun to see her trying. Isaac ran the 100/200/400/4x100 relay. He is now in the last year that he can run BYAA. In the 5-6th grade age category he dominated this year. Jeremy continued to be the head timer at the home meets and I was the starter. Ryan Lieurance was the head coach this year. Was super grateful to Christine Foxvog Photography for snapping so many memories.
Olivia: Isaac:
hurdles: 25.10 100m: 🥉 at conference/ 13:55
800m: 3:33.56 200m: 5th at conference/29.33
1600m: 4th at conference/7:28.29 400m: 🥉 at conference/ 1:10.93
4x100 relay: 🥉 at conference
April showers bring May flowers right? Shortly after Mothers Day I picked up Isaac from school at 1 p.m. and surprised him with McDonald's before heading to Amherst Greenhouse to get our flowers and vegetables for our garden for the season. He helped pick Zucchini/Peppers/Tomatoes this year for the garden.

May 18 we finally were able to get Shawnee Pools to come and open up our pool. The kids didn't care how cold it was, as soon as we got it cleaned up from the winter, they were in the pool. I think the temperature read 66 degrees 🥶
The other super fun thing we did this week was order our new king size mattress for our room since our amish custom-made bed. Up until this point, Olivia has always had the best mattress. No more! We ordered our new bed and nightstand in January and it was 8-12 week wait. We were so excited to get the call that it was in. Now Isaac is getting our queen size bed/mattress, dresser and matching nightstand and Olivia is getting Isaac's full size bed, nightstand and dresser and keeping her mattress. A three way switch and everyone wins.
The last week of school in the junior high also brought the 'blue ribbon breakfast' for Isaac. The students who are awarded/recognized with the blue ribbon for good grades and behavior. Isaac was so excited because they also got a donut! Here is a picture with the principal.
I know this isn't a big deal to most, but I ordered a new gel nail kit from Amazon after the gals at ONU introduced me to it. Here was my first attempt to do my own design on my nails....watermelon 🍉
BYAA softball and baseball started mid-May too. Both kiddos play on the same night (usually in opposite towns) on Tuesday and Thursdays. Olivia's playing catcher and outfield. She enjoys catching. Isaac plays outfield and third. He wants to pitch, but doesn't get to do that often. He only got to pitch one time all season. It just happen to be the time he also hit a homerun to push the team ahead for the win.
May many big events...all in different places of course and unfortunately we couldn't make them all work. Olivia had swim camp at OSU, Jeremy and I had ONU graduation, Isaac went with family to our cousin's graduation party, and it was Maw's 70th birthday! Sam took Avery and Olivia to OSU. She loved it and said she learned so much about the fly. Maw and Paw were heading to Monroe so they volunteered to take Isaac with them to Tate's grad party. Jeremy and I headed to ONU for the noon infamous PR senior pictures by the fountain. Here is us doing the PR cheer. Jeremy and I then went back to our office's to change and get back to King Horn for the graduation ceremony. I was extra excited this year as Dr. Iseman was to be given a honorary degree at graduation. When we got home we were able to have Maw and Paw over to celebrate Maw's birthday. She was excited to get her a fitbit-hope she is still excited when it says she didn't get enough steps in a day. 😂
The final week of school was full of plenty of excitement. Tuesday night all evening activities in Lima were cancelled due to two escape convicts that were missing from the prison. The school was on high alert and closed down all sports for the evening until they were found. Eventually they found them in Kentucky and life went forward. Last day of school was May 24 for Isaac and Olivia. They had early dismissal. We made Olivia get up early enough to take picture with Isaac before he left for school. Isaac got all A's for the entire year! Olivia only got one B. But both are ready to enjoy summer and move on to 6th and 7th grade in the fall.