Monday, June 5, 2017

78 Days of Summer- Train Yard

                                                                     "Tracking" down fun! 

I have a little man who LOVES trains. He has since he has been little. Good news is we live in a town known for its trains. We have several spots where we can pull over and Isaac hangs out the window to watch the trains go by. Best news? It's free! Doesn't cost me a penny to sit for literally a hour watching the trains pass. Engineers are typically fantastic in waving or honking the horn, even further energizing Isaac's love. 

My favorite spots in Lima, Ohio is right off a Robb Avenue. The actual bridge isn't plausible to hang out on, but the side road under the bridge is ideal to pull over and watch from the car. There is space to pull over and check out the trains yet be out of the way. A picture of the the bridge with the train yard below is pictured here. 

At the end of the day, seeing the trains pass makes this little man's day. The pictures included in this post is actually in Willard, Ohio that also has a spot to park and watch the trains. It's so awesome and only about 5 miles from my parents home. So when we head to visit the grandparents, we still have the option to visit the train yard. But note you do need to be cautious and understand the legal laws so you're not trespassing private property to view the trains. It can take a mile or more to stop a train, so a train engineer who sees someone on the tracks (you should NEVER allow your child to stand on working tracks!) will likely be unable to stop in time. Railroad property is private property. For your safety, it is illegal to be near the trains unless you are at a designated public crossing/area.

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