Saturday, June 3, 2017

80 Days of Summer- St. Gerard Festival

Another Fun Festival

You are going to start to figure out that this momma LOVES fairs and festivals. No, they are not the cheapest thing to do. Especially when your kiddos are screaming to ride every other ride and you didn't buy tickets at the pre-sale price. Now I don't mind supporting the church, but for the price of these tickets for $3 per ride and NO wristband, I was expecting the kids to get to meet Jesus during the ride. Maybe at the top of the slide that you see here he would be standing??? BOTH kids desperately wanted to do ($6) and in 45 seconds were done. 

Don't even get me started on the germs in that foam pit. Save your comments, I know. Remember this is the same kid at Disney who when I turned around he was licking the handrails as we moved through line. He's already should have caught the "hunga bunga" -- maybe he's immune.  

After blowing through $20 pretty quickly, the kids were understanding that the rides were done and it was onto the games and food. They had an absolute blast and like many of these small festivals, you are likely to run into some people you know and can catch up.

It was a beautiful day and my husbands parents were able to tag along. There is something memorable about a festival and leaving with your grandparents, cotton candy in hand. Maybe for me it's just opens the flood gates of fond memories of my childhood, but you hope that moments like these are engrained in your child's mind too. 

In the end, we all long to be that happy-go-lucky child again. It's magical when my love for something can be seen in that sparkle of my child's eye. 


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