- Snow
- Snow storm
- Blizzard
- Kids had no school
- I had no school
- Ice
- Snow
- Level 3 Snow Emergency

LOVE is in the air...
This is Valentine's Day Week! I have lots of loves who I got to see on the perfect week of love. We hit the ground running with my favorite dessert love. The best part is you can make it in the Instapot. Yes, I bought the 7 in. spring pan JUST for this dessert. It's delicious. I'm pretty sure I ate the entire thing myself with little help. No one else around here really likes to eat it. Too bad for them. Here is the recipe if you want to try it out for yourself!Siblings. I LOVE these two monkeys. They love each other two, but I find them arguing a lot. I came into the bedroom to find Isaac saying "mom!" not to get her off, just to prove that she was trying to fight with him before he retaliated and had her crying. When he gets fed up with her and fights back, it eventually leads to her coming to me crying saying Isaac hurt her.
My next LOVE...one of my college roommates, bff's, and cruising buddy- Stephy. As a polar bear alum, she was able to share her love with her students and now some of those students are getting ready to chose a college. Because she had one of those students who has a mom who was also a polar bear, Steph got to come back to her old stomping grounds. It was fantastic to reminisce and show her around the new business school (since Huber is where we took classes).
Let it SNOW!
Oh my goodness. February came in dumping snow and ice and more snow. This week my kids stayed home more than the went to school. Monday- went to college 🤓snow day! Tuesday- virtually went to school online while the Elida teachers got vaccinations. Wednesday went to school! Thursday- Olivia went to school all day, Isaac had me pick him up at 1:30 with a belly ache. Friday- snow day! What is a momma to do when you are trying to teach in person at the university but have a two-hour delay (then cancelled) on all these days?! Well, Monday they had to come with me. I don't teach and had already lined up maw (thankfully she lives close!) to watch them on Tuesday when I teach all day. They bring stuff to do- Isaac watched 5 hours worth of cartoons. Olivia plays teacher and helped me grade a few papers that had one particular answer so she could while I was answering emails, using the scanner and sitting on Zoom calls from my office. I treated them to their favorite lunch on the way in exchange for good behavior!Tuesday they went to Maws and did homework online. Speaking of which, here's a picture I've never been able to take before and couldn't be prouder-thus refrigerator-worthy! Both kiddos made the honor roll. For Olivia this is regular...but for Isaac it's monumental. He's obsessed with checking his grades online nightly now. He was over the moon that he got all A's and one B and so were his parents. These will remain on the fridge until the next report card-which Isaac reminds us daily is March 9. LOL
Wednesday is my work-from-home day. I typically also do my grocery shopping on Wednesday and those who know me best, know I love me a list and shopping at Ruler or Aldi. This week found me at Aldi. Here's my cart bagged up. Four heaping bags will get us at least a good two weeks worth of planned out meals. And the best part? This cart-load of groceries was around $100. Yep. Aldi always cost a bit more than Ruler, but I also buy at lot more produce because I like Aldi's better than Ruler. There are always about three things (cheese pizza rolls for kids lunches, spaghetti o's, and Breyer's Lactose Free ice cream or Toft's ice cream) that are very specific I have to go get at Meijer afterward. Other than that, I can save a ton of money by sticking to the planned out meal list and shopping at my favorites.
Thursday shortly before my noon class I got a call from Elida schools to say Isaac wasn't feeling well and asking me to pick him up. Nurse Lauren was awesome enough to hang out with him for 1.5 hours because I had a test in my noon class and it still takes me about 35 minutes to drive from ONU back to Elida. I think it was something little man ate because he looked white as a ghost and said he had a tummy ache, but no temperature. He came home and I made him lay on the couch and watch HGTV 🤣 Sorry buddy, you don't get to come home and watch cartoons or you'd want to come home everyday!
Friday it poured down snow in the early morning hours and school was cancelled. Because I don't teach on Fridays, I just sat up shop at the end of our kitchen table and told the kids to do their homework online and have me check it before submitting. Highlight of the day was Isaac asking if H-E-L-L was a bad word from the other room. Me confused said yeah, why do you ask? He said it was on his homework 😳Yikes! I put it on FB initially (check out the screenshot) and within 45 minutes the poor teacher was calling me apologizing. I took down the FB post (no intensions to get her in trouble!), but it did give us a good chuckle for the day.
Saturday= Swim Meets. Again the kids did a great job. Here are screenshots of their times. Isaac swam similar times as before. Olivia continued to take time off of her events. As the season is starting to peek, the first weekend in March will be the championships at BG. Both kids have qualified and are excited to head north for the big event