LOVE is in the air...
This is Valentine's Day Week! I have lots of loves who I got to see on the perfect week of love. We hit the ground running with my favorite dessert love. The best part is you can make it in the Instapot. Yes, I bought the 7 in. spring pan JUST for this dessert. It's delicious. I'm pretty sure I ate the entire thing myself with little help. No one else around here really likes to eat it. Too bad for them. Here is the recipe if you want to try it out for yourself! 
Siblings. I LOVE these two monkeys. They love each other two, but I find them arguing a lot. I came into the bedroom to find Isaac saying "mom!" not to get her off, just to prove that she was trying to fight with him before he retaliated and had her crying. When he gets fed up with her and fights back, it eventually leads to her coming to me crying saying Isaac hurt her.
My next of my college roommates, bff's, and cruising buddy- Stephy. As a polar bear alum, she was able to share her love with her students and now some of those students are getting ready to chose a college. Because she had one of those students who has a mom who was also a polar bear, Steph got to come back to her old stomping grounds. It was fantastic to reminisce and show her around the new business school (since Huber is where we took classes).
And then these two loves. The only niece and nephew I have on my side. Adorable right?! So when you come to my house and want ice cream for a snack or for breakfast, who am I to say no?! They arrived earlier than when my own kiddos got off the bus, so we headed down to the basement/toy room to entertain. Hunter is totally into organizing (if I didn't know better, I'd think he was mine right?) so when he asked if we could clean up and organize I jumped on it. Now he thought we could finish before Isaac and Olivia got home, but I knew better. The pic of the art cart is just a small example of how much he helped. We organized the pens by color and the crayons too. Everything had it's place. It was beautiful. I asked him several times if he needed a break and wanted to go play for a while. He said no....seriously, did God send me an angel or what?! He stuck it out for around 4.5 hours. What? We threw out 3 bags of trash and had a pile to go to Goodwill, but OMG where has he been all summer! This was a pandemic project that never got finished. It took Hunter coming to make it happen. Thanks buddy! The girls did a lot of things together. Secretly I think Olivia loved having a little girl around, although she'd never admit it. They had a spa day in the jet tub and made a fort in Olivia's bedroom. Another thing we did is break into the April box from last year's "year of experiences" board (thanks pandemic for ruining that!) and pulled out the glow golf tickets. We have a cool place right inside the mall so decided to let the kiddos go have some Lima fun. Since the cousins live in a big city where everything is at their fingertips, wanted to be sure they didn't get bored. Well, since it only lasted about 20 minutes tops...not sure it was loads of fun, but definitely entertaining for a bit.
Then Sunday was Valentines Day. Started off the day with church and then headed to lunch with maw and paw at Banditos. Jeremy and I are still exchanging the same card since 2005 Valentine's Day. It's honestly the best idea ever and so much fun to read back through the last 16 years-worth of notes to each other. Jerm and I got Isaac a snoopy mug for his hot chocolate and a little car and Olivia got a water bottle for all her activities and a stuffed puppy because she's been begging for real one and that's 100% not happening. LOL. Stuffed one will have to do for now. We ended the day with skate party at Edgewood. Our church sponsors family skate night. Olivia couldn't go because she had dance and Jerm had school work to finish up, so I volunteered to take Issac. I love roller skating. I'm just afraid I might break something now. But I went and had so much fun.
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