When I was in 4-H, my entire summer from mid-July until late August was full of judging, county fair, state fair and the Attica Independent fair. I loved every minute of it and hoped somedays to pass on that love. Well this is Isaac's second year in 4-H and he took a laundry project that was chosen as Allen County's selection to compete at the state fair. I was thrilled to read his name on the list and called everyone I knew to see who wanted to ride down with me and enjoy the state fair. That was until I talked to a neighbor who asked why I was so excited to go to Columbus for 10 minute judging. After explaining how much I loved the fair and that would be the highlight, she sadly broke the news to me that there was no State Fair this year (stupid COVID) and that judging was on OSU's campus. Insert my very sad face. At any rate, Olivia chose not to go along, so Isaac and I set off for Columbus for judging on a Tuesday. He said it went fine, but his score sheet had all goods marked (excellent, very good, good, needs improvement). So apparently the State judge wasn't as impressed with Isaac as Allen county. But Isaac got a ribbon and was thrilled...so I count that as a win. 

I think the part he was most excited for was lunch and Top Golf after the 4-H judging. After putting our name in at Top Golf, we headed over to Benihana for lunch. It was delicious as normal, but it was also lunchtime so much quieter. Next we went to Top Golf and played for 1.5 hours. We had a blast. He kicked my butt. No really. He was on fire and just nailing the ball and racking up the points. Mean time, I would get 3 points for hitting it way out to one of the furthest holes. It was tons of fun and great mother/son bonding.

Have you ever heard of Erin Condren planners? Me either until last year. It was love at first sight. Are they pricey? Of course. Are they the best planner you'll ever own? Duh, of course. So after investing in a spiral bound one last year, I went all out with the sophisticated and classy gold leather bound edition for the next 1.5 years. I'm over the moon excited with the spiral bound version and spend at least 4 hours with my color pens putting appointments throughout. A very cool even the town of Elida does is national night out. Planned by our amazing leaders of PTO, it's a community event that lasts 2 hours with booths around the Elida field house parking lot. Isaac had football until 8, so we only got to the last hour. It's such a great event to know more about businesses in the Elida area and all things with the school. Oliva put her name in the SODC returning student 'free month of tuition' drawing and WON! I'm more excited than she is. The girls also spent most of their time at the Dj's booth to karaoke. Both kiddos love seeing old teachers and their friends from their classes who they may have lost touch with over the summer. Or just connect with their besties! 
Speaking of besties...Both Isaac and Olivia's besties came over this week to swim. Brayden and Lia came over to play. I figured if they both had friends to play with, they wouldn't be bugging each other. In typical fashion, they still picked on each other. Brayden also met us at bowling a few days later, so here are some pictures of that as well. The kids bowl free program is pretty sweet. We have been waiting for some decent weather all summer to have friends over. We finally had a good day that Zig and his beautiful family could come play. Not to mention that we got to get some baby snuggles in as well. Maybe that was my favorite part?! But it was sure nice to catch up with Kristi and not worry what the kids were doing because they just disappear and we don't see them until it's time to eat or leave. Jeremy grilled out for me and the kids and then fried fresh perch for the adults. It was a wonderful day full of lots of memories.
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