We survived an entire week of 2021. I mean as the Agozzino family- we were flawless! The country, well...that's another issue.
Monday was the last day of the kiddos break. We ended up grocery shopping and stopping by my favorite store. Don't let the picture fool you. While they hate thrift shopping, they both walked out with something they wanted!
Isaac also wrote a play and Olivia worked on the scenery with leftover cardboard from Christmas boxes. She colored it in with chalk though. Wouldn't recommend chalk on cardboard. It's everywhere! Here are some fun pics of Maw and Paw helping them act out the play. Too funny!
Tuesday the kiddos went back to school and all the regular running to sports practices, tumbling, classes, etc. has kicked in. We certainly welcome it, as the alternative is sitting at home quarantined. Yuck.
All right, back to sunshine and rainbows...Saturday brought about swim meets and basketball games. Kids are doing great at swim. Both improved their times in all their events, but Isaac did get DQ'ed in the breast stroke because his goggles fell off when he dove in and he grabbed the side to put them back on. Can't do that.
Another fun thing Jerm and I started as a couple was a colon cleanse. Yep, you read that right. Nothing like cleaning out your system and doing it as a couple for a memorable romantic moment. lol. The drinks you take for a WEEK are disgusting. But Jerm does it every year and I thought I’d join him this year so I don’t have to cook for us this week. Well, so far, I’m not a fan. Where is the sugar?! 

Sunday ended with the Browns win in playing in their first playoff game against the Steelers. This made for a happy husband, so I’m including it!
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