Will we be famous? That is the question Isaac asked me when the ONU photographer left the house this afternoon. Nope buddy...but certainly glad he could swing by and encourage you two to do dishes and laundry before he got here. LOL. I'm not 100% what they're using the photos for, but I think it's for a story about how faculty members are trying to do it all. Yep, that sounds about right. I was encouraged to be natural in the pics, so I wore leggings and t-shirt with hair pulled back in a bun. I didn't do my hair or wear something nice. I don't have time for that!
In typical fashion, I've been burning the midnight oil and didn't go to be until a little after 3 a.m. When I woke up around 9:45, I didn't hear a peep. NO way were they still sleeping in that teepee in the living room with the light coming through the huge windows. But they were still sleeping!!! And they slept until 10:35. I love this. LOVE this. Especially on a busy Thursday when I have to teach at 9:30/12/1:30/6:30

The picture with Jerm and Isaac is actually from the evening. I didn't get to Isaac's science homework during the day, so Jerm assured me that I don't have to do everything and that I should save something for him to do with them if we don't get to it during the day. Science and laws of motion are not attractive enough for me to move up in the schedule, so I'll gladly save them for boy time later. It ended up being something interesting to them both, but hearing Jerm fret about how they scored on the 'quiz' at the end and saying the questions were 'worded incorrectly' had me cracking up laughing in the other room. Yep, been there, said that before.

Xtra Math is such a big deal here. Both kids seek out a quiet place in the house and do it in isolation. Isaac frequently picks our bedroom to plug in his iPad and do his math in there. I found him in his favorite spot again today working away. He's almost done with division. I'm sad that it's almost over. I need another quick daily challenge for him to complete.

The best part of my day teaching online was when I asked one of my students where she was outside- it looked like a barn. It was a barn. A horse barn. Well you've heard of squirrel disease when people get off topic, but today was horse disease. For 10 minutes we learned all the horses names and watched her feed a snack to Steel here. Productivity in college at it's finest.

Bible time we found a
series on YouTube to watch. It was so beautiful outside so we didn't get to this part until it was time for me to start dinner. While I was busy in the kitchen, the kiddos were intently watching this series. I heard some laughter and the did learn something, so I think we'll keep the series going until we are done. Each clip is about 20-23 minutes, which is perfect for the half hour time slot.
The writing letters was such a hit, the kids wanted to do it again, except this time write my granny- their great grandma. So each one wrote a practice letter before I placed lines on the inside of a blank card for them to write letters. They were so excited to write them. We missed the mail today, but tomorrow we'll stick them out there and off to grams the letters go. Hopefully it will cheer her up to hear about their homeschool adventures.

As I said earlier, the university photographer stopped by this afternoon. He took lots of pictures and he sent me these two below. It's nice that I'll actually be documented as doing this. He asked questions about our schedule and what we were working on. I *tried to explain about the several different places I had to check on their iPads to make sure they complete all their work for today. Isaac was writing his letter during this time, so the pic with us is me asking if one of the sentences make sense (it didn't) and asking him how we could correct the sentence.

We ended with history today. Since the teepee has officially been taken back downstairs to the toy room so I can reclaim my basement, we are done learning about Native Americans. Today, I found a clip on the Statue of Liberty. Since we visited there this summer, I thought it would be cool for a refresher for the kids. They loved it. Then I found a 20 question quiz online that I asked them to take. They did pretty good, considering the questions didn't all pertain to the video and some they had to guess.

We ended today with a run (me)/bike ride over to maws and then back. 5.5 miles. It was beautiful outside today. Maybe 62 degrees? It started drizzling on our way back, but we were all sweaty and it felt good. Got home with enough time to eat dinner before capstone and PRSSA online meeting tonight. Crazy to think in a month college will be nearing the end of the semester and we will have to again adjust to a new normal. Today was certainly better than yesterday. Here is hoping tomorrow's Friday is AMAZING.