Tuesday, March 24, 2020

Week 2, Day 7 of CrononaCrazy Day Drills

Schoology on iPads
Well here we go.  Tuesday and Thursdays are ROUGH for the Agozzino household.  I teach 3 classes online at ONU on these days:
9:30-10:45: PR Writing
12-1:15: Principles of Social Media
1:30-2:45: Digital Branding
Thursday is worse with the addition of 
6:30-9 p.m.: Capstone
My classes were highjacked

Kids kicked off the morning with their hot chocolate and apple cider watching videos assigned for their classes. To say we operate on hot mess express on these days is an understatement. Isaac told Maw today that all I do is yell at them when I'm online to be quiet.  #truth But you see at one point, they stole my computer and took over class while I pulled up Schoology on their iPads and got them into the right programs so they could work independently while I'm online. 
Momma needs a drink!

It's a rat race.  I love how people think this is all so neat and organized.  Come spend 2 hours here in the morning and you'll determine I'm a drill Sargent that belts out orders like "I love you but figure it out" and "I love you but come on" and "I love you but for the love, quit whining."   I guess I assume if I cushion all statements with I love you, it won't sound as harsh. 

I'm not exactly sure of the time I poured myself this frozen concoction, but I do guarantee it was much needed by that point. I *think* it was at least afternoon.  It's 5 o'clock somewhere right?
Declaring their BINGO row

Isaac's Groovy Ring Entry
Music BINGO... now this looked fun, but don't think it meant to do all in one sitting.  We should have broken this one down into a few days.  Live and learn peeps.  I have a video to add of one of the squares- Star Spangled Banner.  

Learning about teepees
We moved some things around and the worked on Groovy Art Rings today.  It's some art challenge for kiddos that the school put online for students to participate.  Isaac entry is his teepee drawing and I thought it looked pretty groovy, so there you go.  Olivia is going to work on her entry tomorrow. Speaking of teepee's, they also listen to a YouTube video of Native Americans and how they built teepee.  It was pretty interesting actually and Isaac told me all about how the sticks needed to be tied to sustain weather conditions- so bonus that he learned something. 

Our Bible read today
Moving on to Bible time. We read this book about Hannah today.  My mom got this series of books for Olivia to read about powerful women of the bible.  I think she is suppose to be reading them.  Since I haven't asked her to sit down with them, and they weren't as attractive as Junie B. Jones, I read it to both of them today.  What great books.  I'd HIGHLY recommend.  I don't think I'll have to ask Olivia to read the rest.  They're written for today and super relatable for children.  

Pringle Challenge Take 1
What is this Pringle Challenge?
And then we finished up the academic side of today with the Pringles Challenge. My beautiful fourth grade teaching friend Stacey sent me this idea. Here is what we learned.  I'm VERY cheap and don't buy brand names. Not all Pringles are made the same. The generic version are much flatter than name brand, thus our full can of Pringles generic version didn't work.  Our 10 chips of real Pringles weren't enough.  Thus I say, challenge take 1.  We'll get a full can and try again tomorrow.  

A little social "distance"
So we finished off today by the kiddos getting out for a bike ride while I ran. We headed to Jerm's mom's house which is 2.8 miles from our house so I had to run around the block to hit my 3 mile run today. Jeremy got home from work and just met us there with his truck to throw the bikes in the back and head back home.  We stopped by the car wash and Kewpee for my Strawberry Mt. Dew that I crave on the daily before pulling back in our driveway for the day.  

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