It's Monday...in every sense of the word. We set up the day and logged onto Schoology only to find the error screen. Upon some research, we weren't the only ones who were experiencing some technical difficulties. I would love to say we just rolled with the punches, but if something needed punched, it was the iPad. I have the patience of Job for the most part, but my lack of sleep must be getting the best of me. I wanted to lose it. Not to mention, when it did start and I looked at Isaac's grades on his reading assessments, I went through the roof. He's not reading the passages. He's just reading the questions and guessing. I know that because I simply asked him and he confirmed that this is indeed what he's doing. Which means I can't just let him 'do it on his own' because he won't do it. Just another frustrating part of homeschooling and working full time online teaching college kiddos and trying to do it all and not feeling like I'm really doing either to the best of my ability 😰
Bible time was David and Goliath. I was excited to listen to this one because I'm reading another book about the story in my big-kid bible study. I was excited to hear what the kiddos thought of the story. They informed they've already watched this one, but it was so good, they watched it again.
The paw prints is an Elida thing. I read it on one of my friends Facebook pages and see that several children in the district at decorating the paw prints and putting them in the windows/doors of their homes. So I just told the kids that we were going to decorate them and put them up in the garage door window. Below is what their final products looked like.

The last thing we tackled today was new chore charts. I use these in the summer, so they weren't new. But the kids were excited to see them return. There is something satisfying about getting something checked off your list. This is why I do things-to-do list almost every day. When I get to scribble out something, it's a great motivator. Apparently for my kiddos, a smiley sticker 😊 is just as motivating.
The news of today from Ohio Governor Mike Dewine was that we continue this crazy new normal for at least another month, through April 30. I have a really bad feeling that we'll be finishing out the school year this way and starting back this summer on our early schedule as they continue to build our new elementary school.

Be sure to check out the kiddos videos at the end. Another cool idea I've read online was to have the kids keep a journal (or video journal in our case) of this history in the making. I figure I'm journaling this craziness already, I'll let them talk. Although I haven't started it yet, the goal is to take these blog posts and pictures and make scrapbook (through Snapfish) and get a copy for each of the kiddos to keep forever. The hope is to look back someday and remember all the great memories instead of the sadness and loneliness in isolation in our own house. Just trying to make the best of it!
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