Tuesday, May 5, 2020

Week 8, Day 33 of the CrononaCrazy Day Drills

As you can tell from the schedule made for today, my students are BEYOND excited to get school done for today so they can get packed for their remote learning trip. The next few days we will be finishing up school remote for the remote learning. We are immersing ourselves into this experience and can’t wait to social distance ourselves from everyone except the great outdoors. That and Jeremy is defending his thesis this week and could use some quiet time without everyone around.

After yesterday’s announcement, there were plenty of notifications on Schoology today updating us on how we’d be finishing up the school year. We started by doing the regular Reading and Math to get those subjects completed before noon. After lunch both kiddos announced they didn’t have Science work assigned to them.  Perfect opportunity to work on our Garden Jars that the kiddos got for Easter. Olivia has mint and Isaac has cilantro. This was a fun project.  I hope they sprout and it actually works.  They look beautiful, so that is bonus.

We also worked on their puzzle books that a wonderful friend sent for Olivia’s birthday, but was kind enough to include one for her brother too.  They like to race with the maze puzzles to see who can conquer it first.  We did two today and they both one once, so we quit while there was no complaining.

Looking forward to grading from our remote location tomorrow while the kiddos finish up their few projects. Olivia has an Art project that was dropped in today to completed before the end of school.  Nothing will be assigned after next Wednesday, so looking forward to wrapping up all their schoolwork and getting our summer started!

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