Nearly 40 days of this nonsense. I'd say that's a lot of blogging, but a couple of summers ago I did the 88 days of summer everyday, so that qualifies as crazy.

Today is the LAST day that they are suppose to assign any new work to be done. We got notes from both kiddos gym teachers saying that they hadn't turned in anything this entire time. #momfail #teacherfail Yep, we didn't. I didn't know they were suppose to submit anything. I checked it out the first, maybe the second week, and seen that they had posted things but there were no assignments. So I applauded them for not making something a requirement, because believe you me, the Agozzino's would be FORCED to participate in physical activity, so no need to mandate. Well shoot, I spent a good chunk of today today submitting 6 weeks of submissions telling them what we did for gym. 🙄 Dang good thing I keep these blogs. I even documented this stuff! #momrebound #teacherpivot

We also continued to work on our writing prompt booklets about the school year. Isaac also got special drop-off from Mrs. Kristoff and Ms. Cady, but he wasn't here when they stopped by sadly. He got a trophy for 'nicest' which is just perfect for Isaac. He really does have a heart of gold.

This afternoon Olivia got a jump start on her 4-H project when she planted her pumpkin seeds. I'm praying they grow or I'll have one really sad little cloverbud. We didn't plant them until today because it's Ohio, and we've had to look like hillbilly heaven the last week, covering up our flowers and veggies since it's still frosting at night. UGH. If the weatherman doesn't lie, we should be done with that for awhile now, so we planted the pumpkin seeds.
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