Getting Their Grove On
Well we are in the final days of summer and of summer dance classes. One of the choices for the end of summer classes was Hip Hop. We thought Isaac might enjoy taking this one with Olivia, so we enrolled them both. We figured if he liked it, we would enroll him for the year in the class. If he hated it, hey, at least we would know.
Apprehension of the class was at a high for Isaac. He didn't want to go. He said he'd be the only boy (he was right) and that it wouldn't be that fun. He claimed he knew how to dance. After some coxing from myself and some "man talk" from Jeremy, he resistantly went.
I sat in the lobby for a half hour, hearing the music and wondering how they were getting along. This was never in Olivia's interest range either, so I hoped I hadn't wasted our money. I told the other moms what he had said and wondered what was happening inside the classroom.
After the 30 minutes the door flung open and Isaac came out first exclaiming to all the moms in the lobby, "I liked it!" lol. So it was success. Looks like we might have two Hip Hop dancers for the next season. Not sure how the ole' wallet feels about having Olivia in two classes and Isaac in one, but here is to another great dance season!
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