Woof Woof finds a new home
I had to work today in Newark, Ohio for a few hours, so I brought the kids along for some fun. I had all intentions of going to Dawes Arbortum. Well it poured down cats and dogs... well, maybe just a dog (lol) so that plan was cancelled. So after I was done in Newark, we drove back into Columbus and headed to Easton. There is plenty to entertain yourself with there, so I knew I could keep them busy.Between throwing pennies in the fountains, walking through the Lego and American Girl doll stores, they spotted Build-A-Bear. I'm sure if you know me well, you know how I loath stuffed animals. This store is this momma's arch nemesis. Yet they had Isaac's favorite minions in the front window and he just wanted to look.
We went in and I about died to find out that a stuffed animal that will sit in the corner of the room in a week, was $26.50. Nope, we are not buying one. They begged. They cried when we left the store. Isaac asked for my phone and called Jeremy to plead for it. He left 5 voice memes. Jeremy text me back and the softy he is said to just do it. My answer was compromise. I told the kids they could SHARE one animal but would have to decide together which it would be.

The decision was this puppy. They're totally into 101 Dalmatians right now, so it's not surprising that they picked the pup. They both helped stuffed it. They named him Woof Woof. She asked if he wanted a sound box. NO! He's white and black and soon to be very dirty and I need to wash him. Then the sales clerk says, would you like a scent? Ugh, no, but they begged and the cotton candy scent did smell amazing- so yes, he now smells good. He has not one, but two hearts so both could do all the magic rub down, kisses, hokey pokey, etc. with the heart. The bath was the cutest. They both were so into it. At the end we registered him and got his birth certificate. Then they wanted a collar, a bed, a brush for it. Um, no friends. I don't even want the dog! I caved and let them get a collar. Ugh, this store is making a killing off my softness.
So Woof Woof is currently hanging out every moment with one of them. I am giving it a week, maybe two until Woof Woof is sitting in the corner and I have to take care of him! teehee
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