A Historic Landmark

After a long day at Cedar Point
yesterday, we stayed up in Marblehead. My mom had never been down to the Marblehead Lighthouse so we decided we'd take the afternoon to head down and see the historic landmark.
Now don't strain your eyes too hard and try to figure out why Isaac's hair is darker in these pictures. It's not him. It's the kiddos cousin. He and his family was also hanging out at the lake house and he asked to go along on the adventure. Isaac said he wasn't interested in going down to see the lighthouse. So just us four headed that way.

It was packed. It was a beautiful day, but super windy, so the waves were wild. Crashing up on the rocks but I wouldn't let the kids go down and walk around where you normally can. I was afraid they might slip. The worry wart in me never goes away when it comes to water.

We would have liked to walk up to the top of the lighthouse, but they were sold out of tickets for the day. Next time I'd like to do that. We did get to go through some of the buildings with museum-type things in them. The kids even sat down and watched a video about the construction of the lighthouse. Super interesting! So if you don't have anything to do and you find yourself in Marblehead, check out the lighthouse!
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