Thursday. The busiest day of the week, every week. I can't keep up. I have so many plans of getting a book chapter finished, but between grading, being online with students and trying to keep my two real children from killing each other, it's a challenge. Even finding time to write this blog post is typically done between midnight at 3 a.m. There is just not enough time and 'quiet time' is nonexistent. I can't even escape to my favorite place in town because we are on lockdown. UGH. So as you can see in the schedule for today, there were WAY too many online/calls for me and I'm pretty much on the inter webs from 9:30-3:30 and again in the evening for capstone. I so enjoy it, but it's tough trying to balance when the kids stick their head in the sliding glass door mid-online class and shout something like, "hey mom we are going to have a water balloon fight ok?" Until my brain can process that info, they're wet and have the facet going.
Essential activities 🤣that they both like to do include baking. We've baked more goodies than we did all of 2019 during these three weeks. It shouldn't be a surprise that when I went grocery shopping on Tuesday, the only thing I couldn't find on my list was flour. We're good here, but I wanted some back up. Anyhow, today Olivia picked that she wanted to make pink lemonade cupcakes. I had bought all the ingredients , so we were ready. She's becoming quite the baker. She did most of the ingredient dumps and preps while I checked before as I was teaching my morning class. They turned out pretty good. Can't say they're the best cupcake I've ever had in my life, but certainly good for change.
The picture at the top of them ready to rip each other's head off what what I thought would be a cool game that ended up in a screaming match of 'you cheated' (their favorite saying when the other loses). The list below is things I would say (not in this order) and then they would run and find something. Olivia's tube entry was the most original. She went and grabbed the toilet paper and looked through the tube. Nice.
The actual learning pics from today include the one where they're just staring up at the TV watching bible time. Today was about Moses and the 10 commandments. The other pic is from Isaac working on his iPad to complete his homework. It's tough to explain to him that it is WAY easier to use a scrap piece of paper to work out his math problems. He wants to do them in his head, which I can't see where he's going wrong to help. So he's frustrated that I want scrap paper to look at to help in the 15 minutes I have between classes online to help him. Today is not my finest hour in teaching my real children. They get grumpy frustrated mom that wants to pour her time into her college classes, which by the way CHOSE to stay on longer than normal (see video of a class below) because they miss each other and our time together. Finally, our last thing from today was the 'deep clean' chore. Seriously LOVING this part of the schedule and how into the kids are at completing the challenge everyday. Today was Isaac's closet. I so wished I would have taken a before picture. We took everything out, washed everything down with disinfectant, went through books and clothes, and put everything back. Ah, it makes my heart happy.
I hope you get some rest this weekend!