Halfway through our week! Tomorrow is the last day before Spring Break. Excited for a fun day packed full of some fun things that aren't mandated by the school!
Reading, Math, and Social Studies are things that need to be finished up for the week. But as I said yesterday, Olivia's teacher sent some writing prompts, so we will be adding these to the daily schedule. If I have any teacher friends who read this blog, let me know if I should be leaving the spelling mistakes go, or if I should be telling them to fix them?!
Mixing up the cookies are for the Easter cut-out we make and the dough needs to chill overnight. So we just mixed today and put the dough in the fridge. Most likely will make them on Thursday. Stay tuned for the deliciousness.
Since we've been homeschooling, we haven't been reading for 10 minutes whatever they want to read in the evenings. So I decided to tell them that this wonderful thing is now mandated too. It's not really, but I miss them reading for fun. So we're bringing it back. I also made them watch one of my childhood favorites with Grover, "There is A Monster at the End of This Book." They liked it!
So it's been so warm here the last few days. They've been begging to have a water balloon fight. So today was the third day of warm weather and it did hit 72 degrees, so I agreed to the water balloons. Watch the video for the fun fight. The only thing I don't like about this is the clean up. But I make them do the clean up, so it's not all bad.
Another fun thing we did was make bunnies out of toilet paper rolls. Grabbing the idea and tutorial from Pinterest, we had all the supplies on hand. So while I jumped on a phone call, they painted the tubes with washable paint. When I was back from the call, I helped them cut out the ears and feet, and they assembled. It wasn't a hard project at all and I'd highly recommend for those with younger kiddos. With Easter coming up, they were excited to work on the craft and even more excited to display their work on the mantel afterward.
The final thing we did today was read the book about our bodies for Science. We covered the bones and muscles chapter today. I had them take turns reading the pages. We talked about the extra facts. But their minds were blown today with the fact that if they laid down with their arms out and put something (expo markers in our case) and then laid between them, your 'wingspan' is almost exactly how tall you are. They were outdone. They both did it and then had me do it to make sure it wasn't a fluke. Then they called maw and told her that she and paw HAD to try it because it works! 🤣
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