Everyone has their calming trigger. Mine is organization and OMG perfectly swept carpet. So what do I do when I need a reset? I organize the heck out of some spots and I get out the sweeper. I'm just sitting here on the edge of the couch in my happy space. All is back in perfect balance, and thankfully I did my hair today because I didn't shave it off yesterday. Good call self.
We kicked off today earlier than normal. Why? The goal is to have all school work done for the week that can be done. I'm leaving for my sabbatical tomorrow remember? I am not returning until my other students who are paying my bills are taken care of and feel good about their last two weeks at ONU.
So the writing prompt for today was fun. It challenged both kiddos to make as many words out of the word SPRINGTIME as they could. Toward the end, some of the words weren't words anymore. LOL. Reminds me of scrabble when you are checking if the word is legit or not.
We spend a good hour doing some more of their music homework. We did some of it earlier in the week, but we finished up some of the required things for the grade. Again, don't get me started on why we have to grade Art and Music during this time. It's hard enough to get to all the core requirements. See rant from Monday. I counted today. Yes, 12 different websites links 4 that are password protected with different passwords. My kiddos are pretty savvy when it comes to this, so I'm not too hung up on getting there. It's just the TIME required. So you have to go back to each course on the LMS and make sure you are going out to all the right places and completing all the assignments. Maybe in a future post, I'll show you what this looks like so you can fully appreciate it. While I understand wanting to get through all the curriculum for the school year, the amount of time to get my kiddos to these websites, logged on, watch whatever, then back to Schoology to submit homework assignments tied to these other website...it's just hours upon hours.
Schoology - LMS they use and won't work with direct link. Must go through the Elida Home page.
Art: Three Youtube Videos to do their project that is due April 30 (all between 5-10 minutes)
Music: One PowerPoint (which means I need to let kids on my laptop) and a video
Reading: Read Theory and Wonders
Science: Powerpoint slide and two YouTube videos and one was AWFUL for those who struggle with reading already. Olivia has BrainPop website to grab the videos
Social Studies: One 12 minute video that was uploaded to Schoology
So I'm finishing up todays blog post with some videos of their music homework assignments. Also our gym time in the rain 😀Enjoy!
Yeesh, there has to be an easier way to do this home-school thing.