Here we go... Entering week 4 of this craziness that has become our new normal. If you would have asked me when this started if we'd be finishing up this by now, the answer would have been a resounding NO. When the universities shut down until at least next weekend upon the initial announcement, there was no way that our children who were younger and more susceptible were going back. Although they have said they'll reevaluate May 1 (Olivia's Birthday!) I am again on the bandwagon that it will be extended throughout the end of the school year. This will be interesting for Elida. I haven't heard much, but this was to be a short summer since they are building our new school this year throughout the 2021 summer. Only time can tell, as everything that is happening now is uncharted and unpredictable.
We do get a short week this week as it's the kiddos spring break week. They'll only be going to school through Wednesday this week! Then some much needed holiday break. If nothing more, for momma to get caught up on her online classes and grading. Looking forward to some much needed downtime.

We kicked off today with XtraMath and hot dots. Isaac only needs to do hot dots because my ISAAC passed all levels of XtraMath. To say he was excited was an understatement. He had me print off his certificate and write on it like his teacher does. Then he got a special text from his math teacher saying she had saw he passed and wanted him to know how proud she was of him. Happy tears. Super proud of how far he has come in academics. I can tell you he is the HARDEST worker you'll ever find. As a teacher and coach, I'll take that any day.

Music class had us playing musical chairs with two people. DUMB. Then I suggested we put up Olivia's dance videos from the first comp and she could run through them. Oh how we (and ever other dance family) miss it. The questions revolving around the unknown send me down a rabbit hole, so moving on.

Besides the normal schedule, it was so beautiful today so we went to Ottawa Metro park today for a walk/run. Olivia ran 3.2 miles again today at 33.33. That's around 10 minute miles. I'm so impressed with her and this distance training. She's killing it. All for the medal. We signed her up for the super grover race. It's a virtual race, so she can do it anytime and then submit her time and receive her medal. She's so focused and determined right now that it makes my heart skip a beat.
Wow, your kids are doing great! You have it all covered.