I know it seems like we've been doing this for MONTHS, but honestly, if we are just counting the days of actual school, we haven't hit the first 30 days...yet.
With spring break dipping into last week, I think I forgot to do the interviews. Since this week we had the announcement that we'll be doing these CrononaCrazy Day Drills until the end of May then jumping into summer, I thought this was a good time to get some reactions of the kiddos. Olivia always thinks that this might go viral, so she is very much into short, brief answers. Isaac thinks this is a monologue and he could go on for hours. I try to cut him off when he's going off on something that really doesn't answer any questions, he's just talking.
Today was a pretty good day. I only had to be online for one class, but it was a pretty important one, as it was my senior capstone students and they were presenting their final projects to the client. Read here BIG DEAL. So during that time my real kiddos ate lunch and had their free time.
Both of them had Science work to do today. I was impressed with Isaac who liked learning about energy. I'm certain I had the glazed over look and found the one video to be absolutely dreadful- no really. What kid wants to READ the video slides with these hard words? Nope, stupid.
Olivia worked hard today on her spelling words. I think she missed three and was losing it, because she is getting to the point where you have to memorize and you can't just spell it like it sounds.
Then there was their Art project. SUPER cute project. Did take HOURS to watch the videos and then get all the supplies and complete the work. It's also something that can't really be done unsupervised. UGH. I thought the final projects were totally cute though. I might even run down and get a few blank canvas' to let them do again and hang up in their rooms. Who doesn't like to look at a bubble gum machine?!
Isaac's machine says go Ohio State- guess who is missing his sports?
Best part of today was the dressing up for the "family meeting." Apparently they've seen too many meetings where we dress up, so they thought this meant their Sunday-best too! I was cracking up when they came out all spiffed up. Isaac even had a tie on at one point. So naturally, I called both sets of grandparents to show them how the kids had dressed up for our family meeting to discuss our summer plans. My Dad said since the meeting had to do with coming to his lake house, that he should be able to attend the meeting and vote. Isaac said he'd have to wear a tie. BLAHAHAHA. So Jerm got home from work and we held the family meeting. Things decided included that we would head to the lakehouse, Olivia would get a fastpass to CedarPoint one time to ride coasters, and arcade games would be played. But, the best part was around 7 we got a Facetime call from my mom and dad. Mom had makeup on with her dress and dad had a suit jacket on with a tie. OMG we lost it. We went back in and reconvened the meeting to give them a vote on whether the boat would be taken out and if we would visit one of the islands. Both passed. LOL.
Your kids are so sweet!