Something Fishy is Happening Around Here
Kids love fishing with Grandpa Ron. So when we head North to see them this weekend, it's no surprise that they wanted to make fish for him to put on his refrigerator. After reading the Dr. Suess book today, we went to do an art project. Isaac suggested we make fish for Grandpa. Sounds like a plan to me. I told them to go grab their art boxes and we'd get started.

No the fish are not perfect, but that's what I love about them. We took paper plates that were plain white on the back to decorate the fish. Funny thing is on the other side is snowman designs from winter. Needed to use up these plates anyhow! I cut out the fins and the kids got busy on decorating their fish. I let them put whatever they wanted. All that was required was the fins and tail and a googly eye.

I was cracking up when I saw Olivia put a fish sticker on her fish's body. LOL. I guess that means her fish is pregnant?! But she also put a worm on him too, complete with a crown. Isaac's fish has a whole bunch of circles all around him. I asked him what was the circles. Duh, "scales mom." Why yes, of course. What was I thinking? I didn't bother asking what the balls of fur where because I'm sure in his mind, they were much needed and just perfect.
So here is to you Dr. Seuss and your infamous One fish, two fish, red fish, blue fish. The Agozzino children have added their own title... Queen fish, Crab fish, green fish, purple fish ;)

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