Freezing up Fun
Have you ever tried to make your own popsicles? I saw this cool pin on Pinterest about putting gummy bears in Sprite and freezing your own popsicles. My kids and I could live off of snow cones and popsicles in the summer, so this activity seemed like a no-brainer.I had the popsicle containers, so fished to the back of the cupboards to find them. Each kiddo chose their favorite color lid and grabbed our Swedish fish. We tried to make this into a learning activity by counting out the fish so we each had a equal amount. There were 12 in the package so we split them evenly among the three of us. Placed our 4 fish in our containers. Grabbed a can of Sprite.

After waiting overnight, our popsicles were ready. They tasted really good. Surprisingly the Swedish fish were still in tact. If you are looking for a pretty simple snack to prepare with the kids while having fun, try this one out. I wouldn't recommend adding the food coloring if you have somewhere to be within a few hours of eating the popsicles. Olivia's mouth was blue well after eating her creation!

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