Thursday, June 1, 2017

82 Days of Summer - Nursing Home

A "Sweet" Day

We individually wrapped all the cookies in their own baggies. Five cookies for each to go with their five cards, so 10 in all. I found a basket in the basement to put them in so we could present them a bit nicer than gangsters in a Walmart sack. But to be honest, they would be delicious either way.

We drove the short distance to the nursing home. We have one only a few mile from our house. The kids were pretty nervous. Olivia said on the way there she was excited but scared. I asked why. She said she didn't know. So on the drive I start to explain how these people are no different than us-just older. We are all children of God. Jesus shared his blessings with others too.

"By this we know love, that he laid down his life for us, and we ought to lay down our lives for the brothers. But if anyone has the world’s goods and sees his brother in need, yet closes his heart against him, how does God’s love abide in him? Little children, let us not love in word or talk but in deed and in truth." John 3:16-18


When we arrived at the nursing home, we went straight to the business office and explained what we were doing. The wonderful women who worked there said she'd walk with us and makes sure those who were able to eat the cookies could receive one. Olivia got to deliver the first cookie to a women who seemed very grateful. She was talking, but the words weren't clear and didn't make sense.  Reminded me of my great-grandmother who spoke like that after her stroke. After we got in the car Olivia said, "I didn't understand a thing that first lady said but I think she liked it!"  LOL.

Isaac got to deliver his cookies as well. The highlight for him was one of the workers. When they struck up a conversation about his star cookie the worker explained how he carries a star because he was a retired police officer. So he got out his badge. Isaac's first response was, "Oh, thank you." Melted both of our hearts.

So Olivia delivered her heart and crown cookies and Isaac his star and train cookies. He told one guy all about the white ball on the front of his train cookie. How it was a train light. The guy said, "I bet you get to see lots of trains here in Lima!" Oh yea dude, like every mile. Pretty sure God gave me a little guy who loves trains so I don't blow up with anger every time I get stopped by one.

All-in-all a successful day and it didn't cost us a thing. Yet the smiles we got in return were priceless! So thanks Brittney for the suggestion! We are always on the lookout for great adventures.

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