It's a Family Affair!
Well if you haven't read my blog posts before and you don't know about Isaac's obsession with trains, I'll catch you up. Isaac is 6 and has loved trains since he's been old enough to have a train table. Luckily for him, his great-grandpa (Paw-Paw) also has a love for trains. Oh, and we also happen to live in town known for it's locomotives.Paw Paw has always loved model trains. He has an outdoor shed where he has a city set up and runs his trains. It's the highlight of going to Paw's Paw's for Isaac. Lately he has been letting Isaac operate the train and letting it run. Isaac is in heaven. He could do it for hours. I think Paw Paw loves it too. It's a special love that he can bond with "jumping jack" (AKA Isaac). This picture is precious to them both. Olivia is cut out, but she likes to watch too :)
So don't discount the summer adventure that is simply making time to visit those who we love most! Creating and maintaining those special bonds, even when there is 50+ years between you are totally worth every minute!
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